
Our Funding

The NICRP is a 501(c)3, non-profit, soft-funded research center at UNLV. All funding for the center comes from external grants, contracts and donations. Sources of funding include federal, state, and local public agencies, community-based organizations and foundations, and individual private donors.


NICRP also accepts donations to assist in funding projects identified by NICRP as important areas of research or service to benefit children in Nevada. Donations can be made for specific projects or can be made unrestricted to contribute to a pool of funding for upcoming projects. All donations are tax-deductible.


NICRP accepts gifts, which are generally large donations to contribute to the overall mission and purpose of the center. NICRP currently has a naming gift available for $6 Million. Gifts are tax deductible, please consult a tax advisor for additional information about limitations and liability.

Requests for Proposals (Grants)

NICRP seeks out requests for proposals from a variety of public and private sources which will allow us to conduct research and provide services which will enhance the lives of children in Nevada. NICRP often collaborates with public agencies and community organizations to submit proposals for these pre-defined projects.

Sponsors Requested Projects (Contracts)

NICRP is often contacted by agencies and organizations which contract with us to provide research, program evaluation, training, technical assistance or other services which are identified by the sponsoring agency and which fall within the NICRP mission.

Reach Out

For more information about how to sponsor a project, collaborate with NICRP or to make a donation or gift, please contact:

Amanda Haboush-Deloye
Executive Director
Nevada Institute for Children’s Research and Policy
Phone: 702-895-1040

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